
Writing contests, conferences, workshops, editing services, calls for submissions, and more.

CAVEAT EMPTOR! Poets & Writers Magazine is unable to check all claims made by advertisers. Readers should be aware of publishers who charge, rather than pay, an author for publication; publishers who do not pay for publication, even in copies; publishers who require a purchase before publication; and contests that charge high reading fees. The magazine recommends that you see the publication and submission guidelines before submitting a manuscript.

ANTHOLOGY/CONTEST ON “LUCK”—TallGrass Writers Guild/Outrider Press. Poetry to 32 lines w/spaces; prose to 2,500 words. Deadline extended: August 31 or until limit reached. Fees: 1–4 poems or each prose entry $19/$15 for TWG members. Prizes: $500 each category. No submission limit. Complete anthology guidelines:—“Anthology Guidelines” or e-mail:

COOLEST AMERICAN STORIES is now reading submissions. To get a sense of the fiction it publishes, read CAS 2022, 2023, or 2024—or CAS Publisher/Editor Mark Wish’s novel Necessary Deeds, which reached 96 5-stars of 102 ratings on Amazon in less than 3 months: Note: COOLEST pays!

JACK WALKER PRESS seeks your artful personal essays for inclusion in our award-winning anthology series: VOICES. Themes for next 2 planned books: “Land that I love(d)” and “Aging.” Labyrinthine narratives and show and tell welcome. No fees. Small honorarium. Deadline: November 30 or when full. Details at

LOVE IN THE LATER YEARS: Eclectic Books is compiling an anthology of senior-oriented erotic poetry of the highest literary quality. Venerable or not-so-venerable lovers, send up to 3 poems to Payment: 1 copy. No reading fee.


ATMOSPHERE PRESS is currently seeking submissions of full-length book manuscripts in all genres—from poetry to fiction to memoir and beyond—with no reading fee. Atmosphere Press is an independent publisher dedicated to honesty, transparency, professionalism, kindness, and making your book awesome. Learn more at

ATTENTION. ARE YOU A WRITER looking for a publishing company that helps you get paid top dollar for your work? Look no further, Be 4 Real Publishing is here to help you. Incarcerated individuals are welcome. E-mail: Address: 3968 Germantown Ave., Ste. 38222, Philadelphia, PA 19140. Contact us now to get started!

FAW (FRIENDS OF AMERICAN WRITERS) seeks book submissions for its annual 102-year-old literary awards in 2 categories: Literature for adults and literature for children and young adults. Publishers and/or authors are invited to submit books published in 2024. Generous monetary prizes awarded. Guidelines: Authors must reside (or have resided) in the American Midwest. Books set in the region (even if the author is non-resident) also qualify. Fiction or creative nonfiction, please. No self-published or e-books, poetry, genres, or series books. Authors of more than 3 published books are ineligible. (If an author has multiple books published in 2024, all are eligible.) Books nominated for the award must be submitted to the FAW Awards Committees by December 15, but we appreciate entries ASAP. No application forms! Please send 2 copies of each book and author info as early as possible to: Carrie Brenner, Literature Awards Chair, 2616 Blackhawk Rd., Wilmette, IL 60091. E-mail: For info on previous awards, please visit

GALILEO PRESS IS SEEKING 5 titles for its 2025–2026 cohort. Representative authors include Tara Whitehead, David Fenza, Matthew Graham, Jan LaPerle, Ashley Cowger, Joe Bolton, Anna Mantzaris, Sam Schmidt, etc. Manuscript details can be found on the website:

THE JULY OPEN: in the month of July, Sarabande is pleased to offer an open reading period for book-length manuscripts of poetry (poetry collections, hybrid and visual poetry, book-length poems, and experimental poetry), short fiction (micro/flash fiction, short stories, novellas, and short novels), and literary nonfiction (essay collections, book-length essays, and hybrid and experimental works). The July Open is also open to proposals for works of poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction in translation. Complete guidelines at

LEGACY BOOK PRESS LLC is a traditional publisher of personal stories accepting book-length manuscripts in nonfiction (like memoir), autobiographical fiction, and/or poetry formats. Based in Iowa, U.S.A., LBP traditionally publishes books by authors throughout the entire country and Canada. Visit for details. Tip: Follow submission guidelines exactly.

RIDDLE BROOK PUBLISHING, a specialty publisher of narrative nonfiction based in New Hampshire, is now accepting proposals and manuscripts for review. Particular interest in personal stories told with a compelling voice. Send inquiries to, or complete the submission form on our website. No fees. Small advance offered for accepted manuscripts. More info at

COMSTOCK REVIEW CHAPBOOK CONTEST: Top prize: $1,000 and 50 author’s copies. Judge: Abayomi Animashaun. Entries judged anonymously. Entry fee: $30 (includes copy of winning chapbook). Manuscripts 25–34 pages accepted August 1–October 31. Use Submittable (online fee extra) at or mail to Comstock Review Chapbook, 4956 St. John Dr., Syracuse, NY 13215. **NEW GUIDELINES!** Complete rules at or

THE 2024 SUMMER THEMES at Sequestrum are 1. “Family” and 2. “Place!” Accepting fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Standard pay rates and publication apply. Submit via our online submission system. E-mail: Full guidelines:

ABANDONED MINE is a poetry journal (triannually online, selected annual print) accepting and reading submissions late summer through late spring. We are seeking poems people will be inspired to re-read and share with family and friends. Please visit for examples, past issues, and complete guidelines. 

THE ANNUAL FALL CRONE POWER ISSUE from Gyroscope Review poetry magazine opens July 1 for submissions through September 1. Seeking contemporary poetry by female-identifying poets over the age of 50. No-fee submissions accepted through Submittable. Back issues available free online. For guidelines visit Older women—we want your poetry!

APPLE IN THE DARK publishes works of fiction and creative nonfiction no longer than 1,500 words apiece. We are reading for our Winter 2024 issue until November 15. Free to submit. Website:

THE AWAKENINGS REVIEW seeks submissions from writers and poets who have experienced mental illness, either in themselves, family members, or friends. Published twice a year, we look for submissions about hope, renewal, and recovery, a positive direction in a person’s life. First read submission guidelines at

BLACK MOUNTAIN PRESS accepting submissions for literary magazines Herwords (women) and Januswords (LGBTQ+). Submit for readings now for chapbook competitions and short story collections and novels. Website:

BRIGHT FLASH LITERARY REVIEW is an eclectic online journal for flash and short fiction and memoir. We accept work from both established and emerging writers. Submissions are always open and are always free. 1,500-word max. One submission at a time. Website: X: @brightflash1000.

CALLIOPE IS AN APP dedicated to genre fiction—interactive, illustrated fiction. We’re looking for short stories and flash fictions in any type of genre (fantasy, sci-fi, you name it!). We take rolling submissions with rates of $0.05/word. For guidelines, or if you’re interested in downloading our app, please visit

COLLATERAL PUBLISHES literary and visual art concerned with the impact of violent conflict and military service beyond the combat zone. We read year round, charge no fees, and publish each May and November. Submit through our website:

FOR PEDESTAL MAGAZINE 94.5, editors will be accepting submissions of poetry for 1 week in mid-September. No restrictions on theme, style, length, or genre. Please submit up to 5 poems and include all work in a single file. For specific details visit:

FRONT RANGE REVIEW is now accepting online submissions of literary short fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction for its 25th annual issue. Our reading period is August 15–December 1. To see guidelines and submit, visit

GIRLS RIGHT THE WORLD is a journal inviting girls and young, gender-expansive writers and artists, ages 14–21, to submit work for consideration for the ninth annual issue. We ask to be the first to publish your work in North America; after publication, the rights return to you. Send your best work, in English or English translation, to by December 31. Please include a note mentioning your age, where you’re from, and a bit about your submission.

HAWAII PACIFIC REVIEW seeks fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. Based at Hawaii Pacific University, HPR charges no fees and reads submissions from late summer to early spring. Our work has been featured in the Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize anthologies. Details can be found at

LITMOSPHERE: JOURNAL OF CHARLOTTE LIT seeks new poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and art for our online publication. We’re a paying market! Submissions accepted in July for September issue, and in January for March issue. Speedy replies always, 4 weeks max. Guidelines, themes, suggested lengths, tips, submission links at

LITTLE PATUXENT REVIEW (LPR) is seeking submissions of nonfiction, fiction, and poetry for its un-themed Winter 2024 issue. Submissions will open and be accepted from August 1 through October 24. LPR publishes diverse voices and aesthetics and encourages both emerging and established authors to submit. Review our guidelines at

THE MEDICAL LITERARY MESSENGER seeks thought-provoking poetry, prose, fiction, nonfiction, and visual art related to medicine, illness, and the body. Online submissions are free and accepted on a rolling basis. Visit us at for more information. 

NOMINEE: RANKED SIXTH among Top 25 Literary Magazines & Publications in 2022–2024 (Feedspot). The RavensPerch Literary Magazine seeks submissions of well-groomed poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and visual art. For submission guidelines, visit us at

PENSIVE: A GLOBAL JOURNAL of Spirituality & the Arts, biannual online publication from Northeastern University, welcomes the most exciting unpublished poetry, prose, art, translations you submit. Please explore first at; submit via Submittable; 2 annual submission periods. Submit once per year. No fee. Historically underrepresented and international voices encouraged.

PERSIMMON TREE, a unique magazine of the arts by women over 60, accepts fiction, nonfiction, and art submissions all year, and poetry submissions on a rotating basis. No reading fees; subscriptions are free. Join the Persimmon Tree community. See our submissions guidelines:

PINYON IS NOT READING unsolicited manuscripts this fall as we concentrate on our 30th anniversary issue. We’ll resume our regular schedule in 2025. Please check our website at for more information and look for the commemorative issue early next year!

RATTLE SEEKS SUBMISSIONS of haibun for the Spring 2025 issue: Poems may be written on any subject but must combine haiku with other forms of writing. Deadline: October 15. Online submissions accepted. For more information, visit our website:

SAN PEDRO RIVER REVIEW, print publication of poetry and b&w art. No reading fee. Submission window: July 1–31. More at

SANTA FE LITERARY REVIEW invites no-fee submissions of CNF, fiction, poetry, and visual art. This year’s suggested theme is “Bloodlines: Lineage, Inheritance, and Legacy.” Word limit per prose submission is 2,000 words per submission period; poets may submit up to 5 poems per submission period. Submit via Submittable by November 1. Learn more at

SEEMS, A PRINT-ONLY PUBLICATION since 1971, considers poems, fiction, nonfiction to or, with SASE, to Jodie Mortag, editor; W3718 South Dr., Plymouth, WI 53073. Website: Great Lakes Writers Festival, November 7 & 8, at Lakeland University in WI. FREE attendance to readings, master classes, open mics. Register at

STONE CANOE, the award-winning annual journal of art, writing, and ideas, is now reading submissions for its 2025 issue. The journal is open to work by poets, writers, and artists who are either current or former residents of Upstate New York. For complete submission guidelines, visit or e-mail

SUBMISSIONS FOR SANGAM’S Spring/Summer edition are now open. The literary magazine of Southern University and A&M College, Sangam welcomes your best short fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Submissions: Note: Names should not appear anywhere in the document—we read blindly. We look forward to your submissions!

THIRD STREET REVIEW is an online literary journal for flash fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, art, and photography. We are a paying market, and we welcome work from writers and artists from all cultural backgrounds and experience levels. For complete submission guidelines, please visit Looking forward to seeing your work! 

TINT JOURNAL, the literary magazine for non-native English creative writing, publishes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry by writers who compose their work in English as their second or foreign language. See our homepage for our open calls and our guidelines, and submit via (no fee). #showyourtint.

TWO HAWKS QUARTERLY is a digital journal affiliated with Antioch University Los Angeles’ BA program in creative writing and is setting the bar for contemporary literature with bold and illuminating poetry, fiction, CNF, art, and quality experimental work. Submissions accepted October 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. For guidelines, see

WILLOW REVIEW is a nonprofit international creative writing journal (est. 1969) accepting general submissions year-round. Send a maximum of 5 poems or short fiction and creative nonfiction up to 7,000 words. All work should be unpublished and accompanied by SASE. Manuscripts will not be returned unless requested. We will accept simultaneous submissions if indicated in the cover letter. Submissions should be sent to Willow Review, College of Lake County, 19351 West Washington St., Grayslake, IL 60030-1198. Willow Review can be found on EBSCOhost databases. Website:

THE WRITER’S WORKSHOP REVIEW publishes the best in creative nonfiction, fiction, and interviews and pays for published stories. Send us narrative nonfiction, personal essays, short stories, short shorts, as well as travel, food and wine, and writing with a strong narrative element. Submissions: Kathleen Glassburn at For more information, contact Websites: or


COME TO BEAUTIFUL TAOS, NM, to attend the Eighth Annual Taos Writers Conference July 19–21. Our keynote speaker, Allison Hedge Coke, author of 12 poetry collections, will be joined by 20 other faculty members offering workshops in every genre including poetry, fiction, memoir, and creative nonfiction. FMI:; call: (575) 758-0081.

JOIN US AT THE 26TH ANNUAL Taos Storytelling Festival from Friday, October 11 through Saturday, October 12, in beautiful Taos, NM. Storytellers include headliner: Ray Christian, 12-time Moth contest winner, Regina Ress, and Cisco Guevara. Festival includes 4 events plus the main show. Call (575) 758-0081 FMI or or

NONFICTION WRITERS CONFERENCE—The All Write, Columbia, Creative Nonfiction Writers Conference is now accepting applications. November 7–10 at the Spencertown Academy Arts Center, Spencertown, NY. Just 20 writers accepted for this small and focused conference. Workshops, craft talks, publishing panel, and more. Deadline to apply: September 30. Website:;

$4,000 IN AWARDS. Enter New Millennium Writing Awards by July 31—Best Poetry: $1,000; Fiction: $1,000; Nonfiction: $1,000; Flash Fiction: $1,000. All winners are published in our anthology and online. “I’m always grateful when a literary journal, especially one as prestigious as NMW, recognizes that some stories simply can’t be told in under 5,000 words. And NMW accepting reprints is an encouraging reminder that some pieces deserve to have a lifespan longer than a single publication. Thank you!”—Alida Winternheimer, recent submitter. Visit

THE 2024 BEST SPIRITUAL LITERATURE AWARDS in Poetry, Fiction, & Nonfiction will award $500 and publication in the Best Spiritual Literature anthology (Orison Books) for a single work in each genre. Judges: Sarah Ghazal Ali (poetry), Amit Majmudar (fiction), Susanne Paola Antonetta (nonfiction). Entry fee: $12. Submission period: May 1–August 1. Find complete details at

2024 RIVER TEETH LITERARY NONFICTION Book Prize (August 1–October 31): $1,000 and publication with University of New Mexico Press. Beth Nguyen will judge. Submissions to River Teeth (narrative nonfiction) and Beautiful Things (micro-essays) are open September 1–December 1. Read complete guidelines for all submissions at

2025 PRESS 53 AWARD for Poetry. $1,000 advance, publication, and 53 copies awarded to an outstanding, unpublished poetry manuscript. If runner-up is also selected: $500 advance, publication, and 25 copies. Tom Lombardo will judge. Prizes awarded upon publication. Deadline: July 31. Winner and finalists announced by November 1. Reading fee $30. Complete information at

17TH ANNUAL (AND FINAL!) Littoral Press Poetry Prize! First place: 50 letterpress-printed broadsides of the winning poem. Three honorable mentions: Earlier broadsides. Judge: Lisa Rappoport. Entry fee: $10 first poem; $5 additional. Mail to: 622 26th St., Richmond, CA 94804 by August 15. Complete guidelines and broadside examples at

21ST ANNUAL GIVAL PRESS Short Story Award for best previously unpublished literary story in English (standalone, not from a novel), approximately 5,000 to 15,000 words. Prize: $1,000, publication on website. Reading fee: $25 per story submitted. Deadline: August 8. Details: or Address: Gival Press, P.O. Box 3812, Arlington, VA 22203.

100TH ISSUE OF EARTH’S DAUGHTERS: New Poetry Book Contest for voices crafting poetry from the female perspective. Winner receives publication and 50 copies. 40–50 pages. $30 fee includes 2-issue subscription. Deadline: September 1. E-mail .docx submissions: PayPal entry fee: E-mail questions or visit for details and mailing instructions.

ABILENE WRITERS GUILD ANNUAL CONTEST. Submit between October 1–November 30. Multiple categories. Entry fees, prizes, complete rules, and guidelines will be published on our website beginning in August. Prizes will be awarded in March 2025 at our Annual Workshop. Judges are asked to give critiques. Visit:

THE ANNUAL RATTLE POETRY PRIZE offers $15,000 for a single poem, plus a $5,000 Readers’ Choice Award. Entry fee of $30 includes a 1-year subscription to the magazine. Deadline: July 15. Submit up to 4 uncurated poems per entry. For guidelines and to read past winners, visit our website:

BARBARA STEVENS POETRY BOOK Manuscript Competition awards $1,000, publication, and 50 copies of the published book. Open to all poets writing in English. Judge makes selection from 50–100 entries. Judge for 2024 is Diane Seuss. Entries via Submittable. Fee: $20/$25. Deadline: October 15. Complete guidelines at

BAUHAN PUBLISHING’S MAY SARTON New Hampshire Poetry Prize is open! Now in its 14th year, the prize is for a book-length collection, $1,000, and book publication with Spring 2024 titles. Judge: Dorsey Craft. Entry fee: $30. Submission deadline: June 30. To submit:

BIRDY POETRY PRIZE, by Meadowlark Press. $1,000 cash prize, publication, and 50 copies. Submit 1 full-length poetry book manuscript (55–150 pages). Entry fee: $25. Submissions open: September 1 to December 1. Learn more:

BOOK CONTEST: IML Publications Paris/NYC, a literary press. $1,000 prize. We are looking for high-quality, 50-page submissions of memoir, nonfiction, and fiction. Deadline: October 1. $35 fee. Welcome BIPOC and LGBTQ+ authors. Judge: Jacqueline Gay Walley. “Recommended by Reedsy!” Website:

CANTOR PRIZE: $1,000, five $100 finalist prizes. Seventh year. Open to all Colorado poets, all styles, or any poet writing in English with a poem about Colorado. $10 fee per poem, 3 for $25. Starts: April 1. Deadline: August 31. Judge: Juan Morales. Feedback: $5 per poem. Info at:

CODHILL PRESS PAULINE UCHMANOWICZ POETRY AWARD: $1,000 plus 25 copies. Distribution by SUNY Press. Deadline: December 30. Submit book-length manuscript (48–72 pages), acknowledgements, table of contents, and cover page (name, address, phone, e-mail) to: $30 entry fee. For complete guidelines:

DZANC BOOKS seeks innovative novels, poetry collections, and story collections for its annual contests. Contest winners receive publication and advances: $5,000 for the Prize for Fiction, $2,500 for the Short Story Collection, and $1,000 for the Poetry Prize. $25 reading fee per submission. Contests close September 30. Details at

FISCHER PRIZE: $1,000, five $250 outstanding finalist prizes. 27th year. Open to all styles, all ages, all poets writing in English anywhere in the world. $10 fee per poem, 3 for $25. Start: April 1. Deadline: August 31. Judge: Juan Morales. Feedback: $5 per poem. Info at:

THE GRAYSON BOOKS POETRY PRIZE, open to all poets writing in English, is accepting submissions between June 1 and August 15. Submit 50–90 pages, including title page and contents. Electronic submissions only: No contact info on manuscript. Entry fee: $26. Winner will be awarded $1,000, publication, and 10 copies. Simultaneous submissions acceptable. Chase Twichell will judge this year’s contest. Website:

THE HOLIDAY PLAYWRIGHT CONTEST. Kinsman Avenue Publishing, Inc. seeks holiday scripts for its upcoming collection, Holiday Plays for Cultures Worldwide. Submissions should include 1-act shorts with themes of holidays, especially from BIPOC and underrepresented cultures. Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, and Easter scripts must be original, unpublished works in English, ideal for families and low-budget organizations. Shorts should be between 10 and 20 pages with less than 6 main characters. Winners receive up to $500 USD and publication. No fees required. Submissions open from July 31–November 15. Website:

I-70 REVIEW announces the winner of the Bill Hickok Humor Award for Poetry for 2024. Alice Friman chose Al Ortolani’s poem “Feeling Blue” to receive the prize of $1,000. Submissions for 2025 start on January 1 through February 28, 2025.

LOOKY HERE MAGAZINE: Short Story Contest. Deadline: August 1. $500 prize + publication in our 2025 Winter issue. 3,000-word maximum—no minimum, double spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman in .doc, .docx, or a pdf (Google Docs not accepted!). Send $20 submission fee (Venmo/Paypal) along with cover letter and bio to with the subject line: SHORT-STORY-CONTEST.

MONTANA PRIZE FOR HUMOR. Submission deadline: September 30. $1,000 prize and publication in Whitefish Review. Head judge: Molly McNearney, co-head writer and executive producer of Jimmy Kimmel Live! and executive producer and writer for the 2024 Oscars. Send us authentic, fearless submissions in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Website:

THE OFF THE GRID PRIZE recognizes the work of older poets, highlighting important, often overlooked voices in contemporary poetry. We accept book-length manuscripts by poets over age 60 from May 1–August 31. The prize: $1,000 and publication, promotion, and distribution in print and audiobook formats. Submission fee: $25. Gregory Orr will judge. For guidelines, visit

PATRICIA DOBLER POETRY AWARD: Open to women writers age 40 and over living in the U.S. who haven’t published a full-length book of poetry (chapbooks excluded). Winner receives $1,000; publication in Voices from the Attic; round-trip travel, lodging, and reading at Carlow University in Pittsburgh with final judge. Poems must be unpublished, up to 75 lines; up to 2 poems, any style, per submission ($20 fee). 2024 award deadline TBD. Phone: (412) 578-6346;; or for complete rules.

THE PRESENCE SHORT STORY AWARD. Stories wanted about the supernatural imposing upon the natural world, especially incorporating BIPOC cultures, traditions, and histories. Prizes up to $500 USD with publication in the Presence anthology. No submission fee. Submissions open June 1–August 31. Website:

RED WHEELBARROW POETRY PRIZE 2024: $1,000 for first place and a letterpress broadside, $500 for second, $250 for third. Top 5 published in Red Wheelbarrow Literary Magazine. Judge is Kim Addonizio. Submit up to 3 original unpublished poems. $15 entry fee. Deadline: July 31. For complete guidelines, see

TERRAIN.ORG, the award-winning online literary journal of place, 15th Annual Contest in Poetry, Nonfiction, and Fiction. Judges—poetry: Paisley Rekdal; nonfiction: Taylor Brorby; fiction: Manuel Muñoz. All submissions considered for publication. $20/entry. $1,000 prize/genre, $200 for finalists. Deadline: September 2 (Labor Day). Submit and pay online. Guidelines:

TOM HOWARD/MARGARET REID POETRY CONTEST. 22nd year. Top prize for a poem in any style: $3,500. Top prize for a poem that rhymes or has a traditional style: $3,500. Total prizes: $10,000. Co-sponsor: Duotrope. Winning entries published online. Fee: $22 per submission of 1–3 poems. Length limit: 250 lines per poem. Both published and unpublished work accepted. Submit by October 1. Enter at

THE WILLOW SPRINGS MAGAZINE Surrealist Poetry Prize, $500 and publication in Willow Springs Magazine, is awarded for a surrealist poem. Melissa Kwasny will be the final judge. Submit up to 3 poems for a $15 entry fee. The deadline is September 1. Visit our website for guidelines:

THE WINDS OF ASIA AWARD. Poetry and prose wanted from authors of the Asian diaspora (preferred). Entries must be original, unpublished works in English, highlighting Asian cultures. Winners receive up to $500 USD and publication within the Winds of Asia anthology. Submit from August 1–December 31. No fees. Website:

“I’M NOT A PREACHER, But God Speaks Through Me,” is the newest title from author A.L. Smith. Join her as she presents easily understandable lessons from God in laymen’s teachings. Actual preachers are known to use it for sermons! Get your copy now! $25.00 + S/H:,, or

THE SUMMER 2024 ONLINE ISSUE of Allium, A Journal of Poetry & Prose, featuring poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, is now live on our website at You can also purchase back issues of our annual print issue for $10 and 3-year subscriptions for $25. E-mail for details. 


MASS MOCA WRITING THROUGH ART Poetry Retreats: June 12–16; October 31–November 6, in the Berkshires. Generative poetry workshops in the galleries of MASS MoCA, the Clark Art Institute, Williams College Museum of Art. Poets explore how art opens memories, emotions, and the imagination while experimenting with new forms of creative expression. Emerging and experienced poets welcome. Website:; e-mail:

PORCHES WRITING RETREAT, an historic farmhouse overlooking the James River in Blue Ridge foothills. Spacious porches, comfortable, high-ceilinged rooms, high-speed Wi-Fi, well-equipped kitchen, also a private cottage. Find peace and inspiration. Availability by day, week, month. Open all year. Website: E-mail:

RECHARGE: POET’S RETREAT. River Heron’s small group retreat featuring workshops, casual discussions, and plentiful writing time in Pennsylvania’s Pocono mountains. Fabulous venue delivers farm-fresh food, guided trail walks, cozy accommodations. A complete creative getaway. All-inclusive $1,399. If you crave inspiration and recharging your spirit and energy, go to

WRITER’S HOUSE, BRITTANY, FRANCE. 150 years old. Beamed ceilings, original floors, quiet, safe, antique furnishings and all modern conveniences: shower, electricity, dishwasher, washer-dryer, DVD, Wi-Fi; ¾ acre with flowers and fruit trees; facing river/canal. Gorgeous. Contact Mark at; phone: (510) 866-5496; (510) 290- 9497. 

DORLAND MOUNTAIN ARTS RESIDENCY is nestled in the hills overlooking beautiful Temecula Valley wine country of Southern CA. Five self-contained cottages each with workspace & porch—easily providing social distancing. Hiking trails/ponds/views—oak trees and quail. Peaceful, inspiring. Finish your project. Rolling applications/reserve now! E-mail:; website:; phone: (951) 302-3837.

EACH SEPTEMBER, THE OUTPOST FOUNDATION awards 2 BIPOC writers from the U.S. and Latin America a $2,000 stipend, complimentary travel, lodging, and meals to spend a month cultivating a generative writing community in the mountains of Southern Vermont. Learn more and apply by December 15 at E-mail:

LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWESTERN VERMONT village of North Bennington, Prospect Street provides both tranquility and conviviality to writers of all genres at every stage of their writing life. The recently renovated Victorian has 12 bedrooms configured in 3 suites of 4 bedrooms, 8 with ensuite bath. Residents meet for a home-cooked dinner meal but are responsible for breakfast and lunch. One- and 2-week stays are available throughout the year. Submit a writing sample, letter of intent, your choice of dates. The Writers House is easy to get to and hard to leave. Consult for submission details, calendar, and pricing. Six Yellow Door Fellowships will be available for 2025, more info at Any questions, reach out to Gary Clark at


ABLE AND WELL-KNOWN WRITER, teacher, editor, (Scribner, Random House, Bantam, Dell, Oxford University Press, the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Narrative, Harper’s, The Paris Review, Vanity Fair, The American Scholar, Esquire, GQ, Ploughshares) offers manuscript critique, editing, private tutorials on short stories, novels, and literary nonfiction. Authors edited include Rick Bass, T. C. Boyle, Jennifer Egan, Saidiya Hartman, Min Jin Lee, Anthony Marra, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Joyce Carol Oates, James Salter, Morgan Talty, and many others. Contact: Website:

ACCESSIBLE, AFFORDABLE SERVICES: Visit my website for budget-sensitive options. Marcia Trahan, memoirist (Mercy, Barrelhouse Books) and editor with 20 years’ experience, offers critique, copy editing, and help with queries and proposals. Specializing in memoir; also handles wide range of fiction. Traditional and indie authors welcome. Patient, supportive approach. E-mail: Website:

ACCLAIMED POETRY EDITOR, former executive director of Alice James Books, 25+ years’ editing experience. Professional manuscript evaluation, comprehensive editing. Edits for various budgets. Workshops, tutorials, publishing, publicity advice. Author of We (Red Hen Press, 2025), Event Boundaries, Anxious Music (Four Way Books). Former SNU CW MFA faculty. Website: E-mail:

ACCOMPLISHED CREATIVE WRITING and legal consultant. Do you require writing or legal guidance? Pushcart-nominated writer, published in such prestigious magazines as Granta, and interdisciplinary law professor Gigi Tewari is scheduling new clients. Expertise: Editing fiction and nonfiction, contract review and drafting, school application support. Contact:

ADAIR EDITING SERVICES and Manuscript Development. Kind and comprehensive editing for manuscripts of any length. 20 years of college teaching experience. MFA from the Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa and BFA from Tisch NYU. College application essay coaching available. Contact Morgan at or

AFFORDABLE, POWERFUL, AND COMPREHENSIVE editorial services can give your manuscript an edge. Helga Schier, PhD, publishing executive, professional editor, and published author offers in-depth evaluation, line editing, revisions. Want to write a good book? Let me help you unlock the potential of your manuscript. Contact me at; website:; phone: (310) 828-8421. 

ATTORNEY MANUSCRIPT REVIEW. Minimize costly lawsuits for defamation, breach of privacy, copyright infringement. Vermont attorney/author/editor reviews your fiction, nonfiction, or poetry manuscript, provides TrackChanges comments and a legal opinion memo, and holds 1 Zoom meeting with you to review options and strategies. Flat fee must be paid in advance. E-mail:

AUTHOR, AUTHOR! Professional editor, literary midwife, award-winning author (Bantam, Avon, Scholastic, Berkley/Ace, others) offers extensive critiques, tutorials, revisions, support. Upgrade your writing skills; solve problems with plot, character development, pacing. Specialties include literary and mainstream fiction, mystery/thriller, juvenile/YA, general nonfiction, psychology, spirituality. Carol Gaskin. Phone: (941) 377-7640. E-mail: Website:

AWARD-WINNING FICTION WRITER, graduate of Iowa Writers’ Workshop, creative writing teacher of 35 years, provides personalized manuscript editing. I offer detailed editing, honest evaluation, and sensitive critique. I work with new and experienced writers, fiction and nonfiction. Contact Hugh Cook. E-mail: Website:

BLOCKED? STRUGGLING? I’ll help you finish that project! Break through blocks with professional writing mentoring from published journalist, poet, playwright, researcher. Skilled editor, experienced teacher, compassionate coach. New genre? Creative transition? Unearthed manuscript? Personal dream?—I can help you write, edit, publish! Carol Burbank, MA, PhD. Free 30-minute consultation. E-mail: Website:

CAN YOU ENVISION WRITING a book as a journey of empowerment? As a writing coach, I use feminism, play, craft, and spirituality to help women write books mindfully and without overwhelm. Join my 12-month program, Sister, Write Your Truth, and write with a sisterhood, or work with me 1-on-1. E-mail:

DON’T HAVE TIME FOR SUBMISSIONS? Need more time to write? In our 30th year! Leads, query letters, research, proofreading, targeting submissions, lots more. Accepting poetry, short stories, novels/memoirs. We love writers! You write, we submit! Join 60,000+ writers who subscribe to our free newsletter. Writer’s Relief, Inc. Call: (866) 405-3003. Website:

FREE SESSION WITH WRITER WELLNESS CONSULTANT and Mentor. Have writing begging to get on the page, revised, and moved on to publishing? Want to find out what’s in the way? Give yourself the gift of a free consultation and get started. Contact: Andrea R. Canaan, MSW, MFA. E-mail:; website:

FURTHER YOUR WRITING TALENT!  I am a creative writing tutor and widely published author with 20 years of teaching and publishing in all genres. I have won prestigious contests and I can help you do the same. Refine your craft and publish your work. For additional information contact Ginny MacKenzie at or call (646) 242-0096.

INKBLOSSOM: A GLOBAL COMMUNITY of Writers offers virtual and in-person writing workshops, retreats, and conferences, plus individual mentoring opportunities. For 16 years, acclaimed writer and teacher Connie May Fowler has created small, nurturing spaces designed to help people become the very best writers they can be. Many InkBlossom writers publish widely, while others are just beginning their creative journeys. To join our vibrant writing community and to view our offerings, visit

JOIN THE MOVEMENT to unite artists across all disciplines in the fight against exploitative corporations that use our work without our consent and without compensating and crediting us! Artists Resisting Exploitation (ARE) is standing up to generative AI corporations and working to future-proof the arts. Learn more at

JOSEPHINEWRITING.COM offers free poetry book reviews and author interviews for both new and established authors.

LOOKING TO TAKE YOUR WORK to the next level? I am a prize-winning writer of literary, mystery, and noir short stories, and I have been working as a writing coach, mentor, and workshop leader for more than 15 years. I believe in meeting you and your writing where you live, offering nurturing guidance and specific, craft-based feedback. Competitive rates, free initial consultation. More at or contact me at

PARIS PRESS FOUNDER, former director Jan Freeman provides coaching, manuscript consultations, and editing services to writers and poets. Together we’ll take you closer to a clear expression of your writing goals and map out a fresh revision to prepare for submissions. Works in progress, finished manuscripts, chapbooks, new and selected collections. Over 40 years of experience. “Jan’s ear and her perceptive questions and suggestions were right on the mark as I worked towards the completion of my memoir. I highly recommend her.”—Rose Styron, Beyond This Harbor (Knopf). E-mail:; website:

POETRY, POETRY MS. Expand your range, syntax, facility with language. Close editing, attention to big picture, phone or Skype conferences—U.S. or international. Experienced poet/teacher, award-winning author of 11 collections, 5 with Godine and Knopf. I founded and taught in the MFA and postgraduate conference at Vermont College. E-mail: For further details, please visit website:

RECORD COMPANY SEEKING POEMS, poetry, lyrics to be set to music. Services offered if accepted. We've worked with poets on 6 continents. A+ rating BBB. 49 years in business. You own the melody we write for you. Free appraisal! Website:; e-mail:; phone: (903) 756-7696; address: Majestic Records Corporation, P.O. Box 1140PW, Linden, TX 75563.

RESPECTFUL, AFFORDABLE FEEDBACK in fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, and poetry. Award-winning writer with over 15 years’ college teaching experience. From line edits to global revisions, character work to creative coaching, brainstorming to final draft, I’m here for what you need. MFA, PhD in CW. Initial consultations are free. Website:

TAHOMA LITERARY REVIEW offers detailed critiques of your short stories or essays. Get experienced, professional, and useful commentary on your prose up to 6,000 words. Details and pricing:

WRITEBYNIGHT: Write better, right now. Book coaching, beta reading, workshops, query letters, agent pitch packages, & more. You want to publish; we’re here to help. All writers, all genres. Free consultation: Mention P&W for $50 off your first project.


GREATER PHILADELPHIA WORDSHOP STUDIO supports writers in the development of their individual voices and practice of their craft. Workshops in Center City and Delaware County, PA, following the Amherst Writers & Artists (AWA) method. Writers of all ages, levels of experience, and genres welcome. Phone: (610) 853-0296. E-mail: Website:

INTO THE SPRINGS WRITERS’ WORKSHOP, August 2–4. A weekend of single interactive sessions with mystery and nonfiction author Andrew Welsh-Huggins, Crippen & Landru publisher Jeffrey Marks, and the Ohio Audiobook Narrators. The Mills Park Hotel in the unique village of Yellow Springs, OH. Registration ends July 25. Website:

LIVE FREE AND WRITE. August 11–16. Writing retreat in Sunapee, NH. Spend an inspiring week working on your memoir or poetry. Enjoy the refreshing New England summer with plentiful writing time, encouraging workshops, homemade meals, and time to relax. Learn more and register today: